Being intentional and consistent with your morning routine is the key to success in maintaining a positive wellbeing and preparing yourself to tackle anything that life throws at you. We all lead busy lives where children and responsibilities often take over the focus of our own wellbeing.

Prioritising and setting aside some ‘me’ time takes forward planning and discipline. It might mean that you need to set your alarm 10 minutes early or go to bed earlier than usual - especially if your mornings are usually packed with running after children and preparing school lunches. Don’t feel guilty about the mountain of washing that needs to be folded. Your family will benefit from your positive mindset more than having folded socks. It is important to involve our children and lead by example when it comes to practising positive routines. You want to teach them what to do so they have the tools to implement these in their own life.


  1. Start your day with a glass of warm water to kick start your digestive system. Warm liquid is gentle and soothing and will prepare your body to tackle the not so good food choices you might make during the day. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or bone broth and you will have added benefits of these magical potions
  2. Carving out moments of stillness and taking time to meditate will set your mind onto the right path. If you find this practise too hard at the moment you can start small - even one minute each morning of focusing inward will have a positive impact on the rest of your day.
  3. Research shows that the act of practising gratitude is the biggest difference between people that show high levels of happiness and satisfaction in their life. Being grateful for the small things in life allows us to appreciate and cherish what we have got rather than feeling like we are missing out (FOMO anyone?). You can start a gratitude journal or just simply go over the things you are grateful for in your mind.
  4. Gentle stretching rather than jumping out of bed after you have pressed the snooze button too many times will slowly prepare your whole body to wake up. Notice how your body feels, any aches or pains? Take a few deep breaths that fill your lungs to their full capacity. 
  5. Adding touch of luxury like a beautiful shower gel, body lotion or face cream will make you feel like the queen you are. Don’t be afraid to spoil yourself and enjoy the benefit of natural cosmetics that will make you look and feel amazing. Wearing natural clothing is also a great way to add a touch of luxury. Feel it soften your demeanor and calm your energy.

These are just simple intentions that will create a big impact. If you want to add more - like going to the gym or for a morning walk they all will have a positive impact on the rest of your day. Set yourself up for success by preparing your game plan the night before - like laying our your gym clothes or having your walking shoes ready by the door.

Blog by Jana Moore


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